American Kestrel
American Kestrel
Falco sparverius
American Kestrels are fast-flying birds of prey, strong hunters. They are distinguished from hawks by their very long, pointed wings. Females are larger than the males. Birds of the genus Falco have notched bills that are used to kill prey by severing the spinal column.
This falcon is the smallest, most common of the North America falcons. They have a russet back and tail, double black stripes on the white face. From below, pale underneath with a distinctive row of circular spots on the trailing edge of the wings. Blue-gray wings. Length 10 inches, wingspan 23 inches.
Shrill killy-killy-killy; a staccato klee-klee-klee during disturbance at the nest.
They eat insects, reptiles, small mammals (such as voles and mice), small birds. Kestrels will hover over prey before plunging to capture it.
They are cavity nesters and will use a natural cavity, woodpecker hole, cliff nook or nest box. No nesting material used. They produce 3-7 eggs that are pinkish with dark marks.
American Kestrels like a wide variety of open habitats, including urban areas.
This falcon is widespread throughout the United States. They stay year- round.
Often perches on telephone poles, frequently bobbing its tail.