Animals of Mt. San Jacinto State Park


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Opossum Didelphis virginiana

Low elevations near Idyllwild

Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis

Low elevations near water

Western Spotted Skunk Spilogale gracilis

Rocky areas under conifers

Raccoon Procyon lotor

Lower elevations along streams

Ringtail Bassariscus astutus

Lower, middle elevations; arboreal; near water

Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenata

All habitats; prefers rocky areas; avoids streamside habitats

Pacific Kangaroo Rat Dipodomys agilis

Low elevations; sagebrush, chaparral

Dusky-footed Woodrat Neotoma fuscipes

Low elevations; hardwood forests, brushland

Brush Mouse Peromyscus boylii

Low elevations; chaparral, manzanita

California Vole Microtus californicus

Lowlands, foothills; usually wet meadows

Broad-footed Mole Scapanus latimanus

Floodplains, areas of wet soil

Ornate Shrew Sorex ornatus

Open areas of lower elevations

California Ground Squirrel Spermophilus beecheyi

All habitats below 10,000 ft

California Chipmunk Tamias obscurus

Sparse vegetation below 2500 ft

Western Gray Squirrel Sciurus griseus

Woodland tree squirrel

Merriam’s Chipmunk Tamias merriami

Lower woods slopes

Lodgepole Chipmunk Tamias speciosus

Higher elevations; Jeffrey/Lodgepole pine forests

Botta’s Pocket Gopher Thomomys bottae

All habitats; absent from high mountain elevations in Sierra Nevada

Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus

Forests, meadows

Coyote Canis latrans

All habitats; open country

Gray Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus

All habitats

Mountain Lion/Cougar Puma concolor

All habitats; forested and brushy areas; avoids open area

Bobcat Lynx rufus

All habitats

Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus

Wooded areas of CA

California Bat Myotis californicus

Lowlands; Oak woodlands, juniper-pinyon areas; not usually in mountains

Little Brown Bat Myotis lucifugus

All habitats except southwestern CA

Western Pipistrelle Pipistrellus hesperus

Commonly in dryer, lower elevation regions

Black Bear Ursus americanus

Not indigenous; occasional migrant

Desert Bighorn Sheep Ovis canadensis nelsoni

Mid- to low elevations of eastern slopes


Reptiles and Amphibians

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Ensatina Salamander Ensatina eschscholtzi

Moist coniferous forests

Granite Night Lizard Xantusia henshawi

Rocky slopes, exfoliating boulders – abundant crevices

Garden Slender Salamander Batrachoseps major

Moist lower elevation canyons

Western Toad Anaxyrus boreas

Moist meadows, streams, lakes

California Treefrog Pseudacris cadaverina

Lower elevation streams

Baja California Treefrog Pseudacris hypochondriaca

Lower elevation streams

Southern Mountain Yellow-legged Frog Rana muscosa

Lower elevation streams

Granite Spiny Lizard Sceloporus orcutti

Rocky outcrop areas

Western Fence Lizard Sceloporus occidentalis

Rocky outcrop areas up to 6,500 ft

Southern Sagebrush Lizard Sceloporus vandenburgianus

All habitats

Western Skink Plestiodon skiltonianus

Coniferous forests to 9000 ft

Southern Alligator Lizard Elgaria multicarinatus

Low elevations, all habitats

Southen Rubber Boa Charina umbratica

Rocky outcrops, coniferous forests

Ringneck Snake Diadophis punctatus

Moist canyons, lower elevations

Striped Racer Masticophis lateralis

Lower elevations, chaparral

Gophersnake Pituophis catenifer

All habitats

California Kingsnake Lampropeltis californiae

Lower elevations, chaparral-oak

Mountain Kingsnake Lampropeltis zonata

Coniferous forests

Southern Pacific Rattlesnake Crotalus helleri

Wide range

Speckled Rattlesnake Crotalus mitchellii

Seen in Long Valley

Two-striped Gartersnake Thamnophis hammondii

Lower elevation streams, lakes

 Thanks to Mark Fisher, Senior Museum Scientist, University of California for his assistance in developing these reptile and amphibian fact sheets.