
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake

Crotalus helleri

The only dangerously venomous snake in the higher elevations of Mount San Jacinto State Park. Not an aggressive rattlesnake; usually crawls away when approached.

Southern Pacific Rattlesnake is in nomenclatural limbo.  They could also be named Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis).

Description: 1 ½’ – 4’ long (30-150 cm) Rattle, or if young, button on tail Broad head set off by a narrow neck; eye with a cat-like (vertical) pupil Brownish with dark brown markings down the back

Habitat: Grassland, brushland, woodland and less densely forested areas; usually in rocky areas.


Food: Lizards and frogs, rabbits, gophers, rats, mice and other small mammals, small birds.

Season: April to October, most activity from May to July



Photo: © Colin Barrows