Volunteers in the Park
Volunteers are needed to operate the Visitor Center daily throughout the year. Other volunteer opportunities include guiding nature walks in Long Valley, a roving naturalist, ranger station assistant, and docent for school programs.
Volunteers are trained by Mount San Jacinto State Park staff, in association with members of the Mount San Jacinto Natural History Association. Volunteers augment, but in no way replace, state park staff. Volunteers are distinguished from paid state park staff by their uniform arm patch design. While in uniform and volunteering, volunteers may be perceived by the general public in the same manner as rangers and park aides. Thus, it is important to act and behave in a manner that leaves a positive impression with visitors.
Volunteers are needed to operate the Visitor Center daily throughout the year. Other volunteer opportunities include guiding nature walks in Long Valley, a roving naturalist and ranger station assistant. [See below for more detailed description of each job.] Volunteers are expected to volunteer eight hours a month. This can be achieved by operating the Visitor Center for two four-hour sessions, or giving two 30 to 45 minute nature walks in a four-hour volunteer day or any combination of service for which you are qualified totaling at least 8 hours.. In 1989, the park rangers formed a separate Volunteer Patrol whose members assist in the Long Valley Ranger Station and patrol wilderness trails.
New volunteers are welcome throughout the year. An introduction/orientation session is required for individuals interested in becoming volunteers. Before attending any training sessions their Volunteer Applications must be approved by the State Park. Once approved, new volunteers will have hands-on Visitor Center training given by a volunteer VC trainer during one or more regular four-hour volunteer sessions. All-day training sessions for new and veteran volunteers are usually held in June and October.
If interested or for more information, please email park ranger Bill Solylo at: william.solylo@parks.ca.gov
Roving Interpreters:
Roving interpretation refers to stationing interpreters in high use areas for informal contacts with visitors. The interpreters work at a particular spot, often demonstrating a craft skill or interpreting natural objects. Rovers may also move about the site, interpreting features first-hand, spontaneously, to individuals or a small group. This type of activity requires knowledge and flexibility. Rovers can also provide visitors with current information about hazards such as inclement weather or inappropriate behavior.
A docent in our program refers to a volunteer who works with student groups. He/she has more extensive and specialized training. The programs may be on-site (at the park) or outreach (at a school or other facility). The school programs are usually weekdays and are conducted in Long Valley as weather permits. If trail/weather conditions are poor, programs are conducted in the Mountain Station.
Rangers Station:
Volunteering in the Ranger Station is a rewarding opportunity. This position involves many details which requires training and supervision conducted by park rangers.
Nature Walks:
Nature walks are usually conducted from June through September, on Saturday and Sunday, depending upon weather and trail condition. The Desert View nature walk is conducted in the morning and again in the afternoon.
Preventative Search and Rescue:
Preventative Search and Rescue (PSAR) is designed to take an educational approach to improving the experience of new visitors and hikes in the backcountry. The program compliments the SAR efforts of our park staff and the Riverside County Mountain Rescue Unit. It encourages a cooperative effort to educate our visitors on the potential hazards of recreating in the wilderness. The requirements are simple. You must enjoy hiking and interacting with people.
There are many more volunteer opportunities that arise on a continuing basis. And, if you have a suggestion, please let us know about it.
Required paperwork:
All volunteers, new and returning, must complete the volunteer service agreement, duty statement, and arrest/conviction form. In addition, they must complete a live scan fingerprinting at a local police station. This provides workers’ compensation coverage during the time you perform volunteer duties under the direction of the state park staff. All of the above information is considered confidential.
Volunteer sign-up:
Volunteers are asked to sign up for the Visitor Center (VC) and nature walks (NW) by the middle of the month prior. All sign up scheduling and tracking of volunteer time is done using the on line application myvolunteerpage.com. Ideally, you should also sign up for future volunteer time when you are on the mountain. Since we drive from many different areas, advanced planning and communication with the Volunteer Coordinator are essential. Remember you are expected to volunteer eight hours per month.
Volunteers are expected to provide and wear a khaki-colored shirt with the San Jacinto Peak patch sewn on the left sleeve about ¾” from the shoulder. The State Park Volunteer Patch is to be sewn on the right sleeve also ¾” from the shoulder. No other patches should be worn while volunteering. Solid colored khaki/tan pants or walking-length shorts are preferred, no neon colors, please! Hiking boots or athletic shoes are acceptable footwear. You may wear sandals in the VC only. For safety reasons, please do not wear them out on the trails! Wear your name badge over the right pocket of your shirt (or the same area if your shirt does not have a pocket). The patches and name tag are part of a material package that you purchase.
Tram rides:
The complimentary ride is a privilege not to be abused. At this time park volunteers will receive a complimentary tram pass for use when volunteering and for personal visits to the mountain. This priviledge is predicated on the volunteer fulfilling, at a minimum, the 8 hour monthly volunteer time commitment. This requirement will be monitored.
Volunteers are strongly encouraged to join the Natural History Association, but it is not a requirement in order to volunteer for the State Park. Your membership assists the NHA in its continued support of the State Park and its various programs.
A volunteer’s overall appearance and behavior should be neat and professional. Volunteers are expected to abide by all Tram and State Park rules and regulations, including obtaining permits for hiking and camping. Volunteers who do not comply will be dropped from the program.
Use of alcohol and/or drugs will not be tolerated before or during volunteer duty or any other time when you are in uniform at the Tram or State Park or in other “on duty” situations.
Provide factual information:
If you are not sure about the answer to a question or other queries say, “I don’t know” and try to find the answer. The park staff and the publications in the VC are a wealth of information. Refer questions regarding the Tram and its operation to Tram personnel.
Report accidents or other emergencies immediately to the ranger station or tram staff with all detailed, factual information available. [See more detailed emergency information elsewhere in this website.]
Do not provide aspirin or any other medication to anyone; it may be purchased at the gift shop.
Do not perform any first aid.
Do not leave an injured person; send someone else to the Ranger Station for help or the tram building, whichever is closest.
If no one is at the Ranger Station, the Tram staff may be able to contact park staff by radio or obtain other medical assistance.
Cooperation/reporting problems:
Volunteers are expected to work together in a professional manner. If problems arise with another volunteer’s behavior, please contact the supervising ranger or the Volunteer Coordinator immediately. Remember we are all here to help one another, serve the public and enjoy the mountain. If you observe another volunteer not adhering to volunteer standards, it is requested that you report your concern to the volunteer coordinator, supervising ranger, or ranger on duty. As a volunteer you represent the State Park and your behavior reflects upon the state park.