White-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta carolinensis


Nuthatches are distinguished by their habit of going down tree trunks head first. They do not use their tail as a brace; rather, they rely on extremely strong feet to grasp tree bark. By traveling down the tree trunk, the nuthatches can see insects hidden from view as they travel up the trunk.


The long bills of White-breasted Nuthatches distinguish them from other nuthatches. Their bills are nearly as long as their heads and are slightly upturned. White-breasted Nuthatches have black crowns on their heads, with white cheeks and white undersides. Their undersides have a slightly rosy region towards the tail. A nuthatch's back is a bluish-gray. Their wings and tails are a mixture of white, black, and bluish-gray. Their length is about 6 inches.


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Nuthatches get their name from their habit of placing large seeds and nuts in crevices of trees and then prying them open with their bills. Nuthatches also probe crevices along tree trunks and limbs for smaller seeds and insects. They store seeds in loose bark or crevices. Besides the nuts and seeds the nuthatch eats a large variety of insects.


Courtship activity begins in early spring, signaled by lots of male singing. Some birds mate for life, some for a few seasons. Nest made in natural tree cavities, old woodpecker holes. They like holes facing away from prevailing winds, making it easier to maintain nest warmth. Nests are lined with leaves, hair and fur. Clutch of 5-7 eggs are creamy white and dotted with reddish brown or lilac marks.


White-breasted Nuthatches live in deciduous woodlands and mixed deciduous and coniferous forests up to 10,500 feet.


They range throughout much of the United States.


They stay in their range year round.

Photo Courtesy of Tom Grey
