American Robin
Turdus migratorius
Probably the best-known bird, due to its abundance, widespread distribution, feeding in open areas, and therefore easily observed.
The American Robin has a distinctive orange breast. Its bill is yellow with a dark tip, a black back with blackish feet. When viewed overhead, the underside of white tail feathers contrast with darker coloration of breast. This is a fairly large bird ranging from 9 to 11 inches.
A pip, pip pip or tut tut tut or tsee tsee. In summer, robins sing vigorously before daylight.
Worms are only about 20% of their diet. Robins are omnivores. In winter they eat mostly fruit and berries; in summer they eat mostly insects, beetles, caterpillars, weevils, flies.
Robins often raise 2 or 3 broods per year, particularly in warmer climates. They begin nesting at the time of year when the average daily temperatures are the highest. Clutch of 3-4 eggs. Occasionally a cowbird will lay its eggs in the robin’s nest, but foreign eggs do not fool the female. She will kick out the intruder’s eggs.
Prefers moist woods or fruit trees, but is found in suburban neighborhoods as well.
Found throughout the West.
Robins migrate to lower altitudes and/or more southerly latitudes in winter.
Photo Courtesy of Tom Grey